Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I am concerned about the treatment of the majority of laboring women in U.S. hospitals. I am angry about the disrespect they are receiving from their doctors and care givers.
My sister in law recently gave birth to her first child. A little boy. My SIL was in labor for 12 hours. 12 hours is not that long especially for a first child yet my SIL still ended up with pitocin. I wonder if they told her of the dangers? I wonder if they told her it could increase her chances of c-section or that it would make her pain much much worse.
When my SIL got to the hospital her doctor wasn't even there. She ended up with a lady she had never met. A doctor that didn't even think to ask my brother in law if he wanted to cut the cord.
I am horrified by this. I am angry at the disrespectful way my SIL and BIL were treated! Mostly, I am saddened that they just don't seem to know or care that they were treated with such disrespect.

1 comment:

Suze said...

I just had my first baby in April, and was in labor w/her a total of 18 hours (from water breaking to delivery). I went through a full bag of Pitocin, had an epidural (that was so good that I couldn't feel to push, so they turned it off, and turned the Pitocin up). I BEGGED for a c-section, and they just kept telling me "this is totally normal for first babies". I can sort of agree with the disrespect b/c instead of just turning up the pitocin and telling me to push through it, I would have rather had someone either let me have the c-section, or explain to my why they wouldn't allow it.
Thanks for you post. I hope your family is enjoying their new baby, despite the rough beginning.