Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I mentioned in my last post that baby K will be turning one soon. I've been thinking about ways to celebrate the little guys first birthday. But I've also been trying to think of ways to bring up his birth story.
You see baby K was born at home unassisted. No doctor, no midwife, just myself and my husband. I labored in the bathroom while my husband cleaned the kitchen. He periodically came in to ask me if I needed anything, and he was there when K was born (he almost didn't make it). This was not an accident we planned an unassisted birth. However during my pregnancy we told our families that I had a midwife to keep them calm, and after he was born we told them the midwife didn't make it in time. Problem solved, right? Wrong! Baby K's birth was one of the most amazing things I have ever done. I felt so empowered after he was born, but I really felt like a lot of that power was stripped from me by well meaning family members. Instead of telling me how amazing I was or brave or whatever for having a baby unassisted they acted as if my husband had been my savior! They looked at me as a victim. Someone who needed rescuing and thank god my husband was there to save me!
I want to tell them what really happened. I want them to know that while yes, my husband was a part of my labor. I am the one who delivered my baby. I was not a victim. I did not need to be rescued! But how do I bring it up? It's not something that comes up in casual conversation.
I regret not telling them from the beginning. I was so worried about them thinking I was crazy. I would take people thinking I was crazy over being a victim any day.

I actually want to say something real fast while I'm on here. This is sort of a pet peeve of mine. Will people Please quit saying that doctors deliver babies!! Doctors do not deliver babies! Doctors assist in deliveries. Doctors catch babies. They do not deliver babies. Ladies, you are the ones delivering your babies! So the next time someone says doctor so and so "delivered" their baby say, "oh really, your baby came out of doctor so and so's body?"
Sorry about the rant.

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