Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why I'm Pro-Choice

When someone says they're pro-choice the first thought that pops into most people's head is abortion. I believe it goes beyond that. I believe pro-choice includes the whole spectrum of pregnancy and child birth from conception until the baby is born. I believe it includes a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy as well as her right to decide who does or doesn't assist her and where she chooses to birth. I also believes it includes her right to choose the birth that is right for her. I think elective c-sections are dangerous, but still I will support a woman's right to have one. I can't expect someone to support my right to have an unassisted birth if I don't support their right to a medicated one.
Regardless of the risks I support a woman's right to abortion, hospital birth, home birth, voluntary induction, elective c-section, free birth, epidurals and so on. I'm not saying I agree with all of these things I'm just saying I support a woman's right to choose these things for herself.

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