Monday, March 30, 2009

Earth hour

I wanted to blog about this and now that I have a sleeping babe on my lap I have a chance!

For the second year in a row my family has observed Earth hour. This year the older kids were at their grandparents and my husband was at a friends house so it was just baby K and myself in the dark. At first I couldn't help but watch the clock it seemed like this hour was going to take forever, but pretty soon I grew to love the quiet stillness.
At first baby K and I just looked outside. It was snowing and the ground seemed to be glowing because of it. Baby K would point and ahhh and I would answer his silent questions as best I could. When that tired we danced. Nothing fast or fancy just a simple sway to a rhythm in my own head. Baby K was resting his head on my shoulder and occasionally his little hand would pat my back. I felt that each little pat was his silent way of telling me he loved me. After we had danced I sat down to nurse baby K. I sat on the couch with a single candle lit, and baby K layed across my lap. As he nursed I sang a song that I've sang to all my babies just incoparating their own name and gender into it. It's simple and nothing special, but my children always loved it. As I sang to him he would reach up and gently stroke my face. Meanwhile I could see his eyes getting heavier from the sleep he was trying desperately to avoid. His eyes had finally closed so I decided to end my serenade of him, but as soon as the last note had left my lips he popped off the breast opened his eyed wide and clapped as hard as he could! I couldn't help but laugh and baby K continued nursing and I continued singing. Soon I looked up and realized our hour was up, but I just sat there nursing baby K. I was enjoying this too much.

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