Monday, March 30, 2009

Today I will doubt myself

As a parent I occasionally have days where I doubt myself to a level that is below comprehension. I don't know what sets this off in me. Maybe it's an off hand remark from a family member or some baggage left over from my public school days. Whatever it is it makes the day tiresome and painful. Today started off as one of those days.
My main concern was my kids education. Am I doing it right? Are they going to be equipped for the "real world"? Am I damaging them in some way? I could keep going, but I won't.
What do I do when I have these feelings? Well first I call a friend and just vent a little bit. Then I get on Sandra Dodd's website. Any question you have ever had about unschooling is on that site. I instantly feel a sense of peace once I read some of the articles on there. I highly recommend it to anyone thinking about unschooling. She also has links to several other unschooler blogs on her site.
I do feel better and I feel confident in my decisions once again, but it makes me realize that I'm not there yet. I'm not totally at peace with myself. I have a few ideas why, but I won't go into that now.

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