Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sick babies

Both of my sons are sick right now. I'm pretty sure baby K is just teething. He's got a fever, runny nose and a cough. Also he keeps sticking his fingers in his mouth. He's nursing like a mad man as well. I told my husband last night that when woke up the next morning he'd probably find me deflated:).
R on the other hand is running a fever and throwing up. Not a lot, but enough. I know it sounds mean, and I really do hate it when any of my kids are sick. However when R is sick it's kind of like a little vacation. He's such a hyper, intense child, and when he's sick he's calm and subdued. He's had this for quite a while though, and I'm actually thinking about taking him to the doctor.
It's been a really long time since I've had any of my kids to the doctor for illness. Baby K went in to have his bow legs looked at (he's fine), and R went in when we thought he broke his arm. As far as going in for illness I bet it's been 4 years! My kids are usually very healthy, but this winter we've had a lot of illness. I think a lot of it has to do with the constant change in the weather. One day it's hot enough to wear shorts and the next it's snowing. And people don't believe in Global Warming HAH!

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