Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm always amazed how much my children learn from just simply "being." I feel sorry for kids being forced to learn things when they're not ready or when their just simply not interested. People always like to argue with me that no kid will ever ask to learn multiplication, geography, or whatever subject they despised in school. I have to disagree. My kids like to learn, because I've never forced them too.

My son R has recently started doing addition. Big deal you say, but I've never taught R to do addition he just picked it up on his own. Just by playing games and enjoying life he was able to teach himself to add! It's so exciting to me! He's starting to multiplication as well. It started one day when he said, " I know what 4 three times makes...12." I explained to him that he was doing multiplication. Now he's constantly coming up to me with new problems he's figured out on his own.

I don't want to give anyone the idea that I never worry. I do. I have moments when I worry that my kids aren't at the" level" they should be and then I think, "who came up with these levels?" It's just some leftover brainwashing from my public school days making me question myself and my children.

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