Friday, May 8, 2009

First math and now this

I posted recently about how my 6 yr old had begun to do math completely on his own, well today he started doing letters! He came to me with a notebook and a pencil and asked me how to write the letter S. Then we continued from there. He'd tell me the letter he wanted to see I'd write it and then he would write it. Now I know what some of you schoolies are saying " My 6 yr old has been doing this since last year!" Well that's not how unschooling works. R wasn't ready to learn his letters until now and since he doesn't have to go to school and be forced into someone else's schedule he is able to learn at his own pace. Also, how cool is it that he actually wants to learn something! I didn't have to force or prod or coerce, I just had to provide a happy environment in which to grow.

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