Friday, May 15, 2009

Goddess Bread

I eat her legs and I think about my legs. I think about how as a child I used my legs to jump rope, and run just for fun. I think about how as an adult I use my legs to run for exercise. I think about my calves, strong and toned. I think about my thighs , a little soft. I think about when I first began to exert my sexuality and how I would wear short skirts to show off my legs. I think about my legs bending to pick up my children.

I eat her vulva and I think about my vulva. I think about sex and being touched there. I think about giving birth. I think about how my vulva has never torn

I eat her belly and I think about my belly. Marked and stretched from 3 pregnancies. I think about my babies in there. I think about the feeling of fullness after a big meal. I think about the endless exercises I do to improve my belly. I think about my babies hugging me and resting their heads on my belly.

I eat her breast and I think about my breasts. I think about my breasts developing. I think about being self conscious about my breasts. I think about how I hate my breasts. I think about how my breasts are too big. I think about how I love my breasts, because they nourish my babies.

I eat her arms and I think about my arms. I think about hanging from the jungle gym as a child. I think about wrapping my arms around my mother. I think about carrying my babies. I think about lifting weights to make my arms stronger. I think about kneading dough for bread.

I eat her head and I think about my head. I think about the good thoughts in my head that make me smile. I think about the bad thoughts that keep me awake at night. I think about studying. I think about knowledge.

A small piece is left. It is shapeless, but I think it's her heart. I do not eat it. Instead I take her to my garden I tear her heart into pieces and I spread her in the dirt. She will decompose and give life to the earth. The birds will eat her and she will give life to the birds. She will give life, because she is life.

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