Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 2

Yesterday was stressful. Not so much because of our experiment this week, but just in general. R can have a very obnoxious personality and he can make the days stressful. I try to step back and figure out WHY he does the things he does, bur at times I can't find a reason for his behavior.

We went grocery shopping which is always a tense activity, but we did pretty well. I was afraid my grocery bill would be through the roof since I planned on saying yes to all the kids requests. Surprisingly it wasn't too bad and contrary to popular belief my kids didn't just by junk food!

E baked and decorated cupcakes and she even plans on starting a blog about all the stuff she makes.

We played lots of games including I Spy and Yes or NO.

I went to bed last night feeling pretty stressed. I realized this morning however that the stress was not caused by my kids as much as it was by the way I process things.

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