Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mother Blessings

Mother Blessings are a way to honor a woman before the birth of her child. They do not focus on material goods like a baby shower, but rather on good energy for the mother to be.

My friend Shauna is currently pregnant with her 5th baby(it will be the 6th for her family however) and this past Sunday we honored her with a Mother Blessing. If you have never been to a Mother Blessing I truly believe you are missing out on some of the most amazing energy in the world. Shauna wore a wreath of fresh flowers on her head and we each presented her with small birth power gifts. We sang songs and ate wonderful food. We even cried a little.

Thursday we honored Shauna with another Mother Blessing. This one included a group of young girls. It was beautiful in it's own special way. It was outside at the park, and the weather was gorgeous! The energy was different, but still good. This time we each brought a bead or charm to add to a mobile for Shauna to hang in her home. It turned out amazing.

After partaking in these two Blessings I have to wonder why we do not have more ceremonies in our culture? I know we have birthdays and anniversaries, but what about real ceremonies? Not about gifts or things, but about honoring people during the changes in their lives. Birth, death, divorce, first periods, marriage, menopause etc. etc. The list is endless.

I want more ceremony in my life. I want more traditions. I want to celebrate my ever changing life.

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