Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why I unschool part 1

Today darling E decided she wanted to build a fairy house. So we headed outside to get some supplies. The problem with E doing these types of things is that she can be somewhat of a perfectionist. She gets it from me. Nevertheless we began our adventures in fairy house building. About 3 glue sticks, 30 sticks and 20 min later we had the basic frame of the house together. We still need to add the roof and a few fancies to make it special, but alas we ran out of glue sticks. Tomorrow we head to the store to replenish our glue supplies and it will be back to the construction sight!

This is why I love unschooling! My kids are able to just play, and through that play they learn. Just yesterday they learned about caterpillars, fish, pollution, fly fishing, mussels and clouds all while taking a quick stroll around a lake.

People always wonder why I home school. They usually think it's for some sort of generic reason like religion or to keep my kids safe/shelterd. It's neither. I am not a religious person, although I do believe in a higher power and it's definitely not because I want to shelter my kids. If I wanted to shelter them I would put them in school! I love it when people ask me "what about when they get in the real world?" My kids ARE in the real world! Setting at a desk all day starring at a chalk board is NOT the real world. Going to the store, taking walks, collecting rocks, studying bugs, coloring, making dough, baking cookies, going to the library THIS is the real world!

I remember a friend of mine once telling me that as a first grader she had an assignment to demonstrate to the class something she was good at. My friend demonstrated a sandwich recipe she created on her own. She made it exactly as she always did and the grade she received was a D. Why? I'm truly asking why? The teacher didn't say demonstrate anything you want, except a sandwich. My friend demonstrated the sandwich correctly. She had to of! It was her creation. I believe she got the D, because the teacher didn't like her project. Not because she did it incorrectly.

I remember as a high schooler having to OK all my art projects with the art teacher. I remember her telling me to add evergreens to a landscape I had drawn. The evergreens ruined the picture in my eye, but I would have received a failing grade if I hadn't obliged.

I don't want this type of stuff to happen to my kids. We should never be told that the things we create are wrong.


Suze said...

Thank YOU! Seriously! My baby is almost 5mo old and my husband and I have already decides that when it's time for school, that we'll make sure I'm in a posistion to stay home and do it myself.
Nothing is more disheartening than really doing something yourself, just to have a teacher shoot it down. Not that this is a confessional, but once in HS the assignment was to do a literary analysis of this book, and I did, and I got alot out of it, and I got a D on it from the teacher b/c "she just didn't see it that way, and didn't see how I could"...ugh! I'll be bookmarking your site and coming by often! I can't wait to hear more!

Also...your cupcakes sound delish! Esp that mandarin frosting!

Trisha said...

Thanks Suzanne, I really appreciate the positive feedback.
I'm really sorry about your HS teacher. I know it was probably a long time ago, but that kind of negativity can really effect us for a long time.
Thanks again,