Friday, February 5, 2010


I was recently out with a group of my friends when the issue of cursing came up. I was amused at how serious my friends took the idea of their children cursing. They feared their children cursing like I fear mine getting hit by a car!

I made the comment that I didn't know what the big deal was and that I thought it was a waste of energy. I was met with complete and total silence and shocked faces! I felt like I might as well have told them I let might children stab people, and I didn't know what the big deal was!

I do occasionally get onto R for cursing, but he does it excessively and he doesn't do it "right" He just randomly throws our bad words and it's more annoying than anything. When I do get onto him I usually just tell him to stop. I don't actually discipline him for it.

I also don't allow my children to curse around other people. I realize a lot of people don't like cursing and I want my kids to respect that.

I don't think my friends are wrong to not want their kids to use foul language, I just think I'll use my energy somewhere else.

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