Sunday, October 17, 2010

Small promises

Do small promises matter? I've always thought not. I'm constantly breaking small promises to my kids. A trip to the ice cream store, a late night walk, a movie etc etc. I don't do it to be mean, but sometimes by the end of the day I'm tired or it's too dark or I just don't have enough money. Sometimes it just can't be helped. Up until recently I didn't really think it mattered. But recently I've had a change of heart.
My husband is a very busy man. He works full time and he's in the process of starting a new business. Needless to say he has a lot on his plate. Sometimes that means plans we've made sort of go by the wayside. Especially little things like, walks together or drinking a glass of wine outside in the evening. They seem small and unimportant, but every time he cancels on me because he's tired or too busy it hurts. It's not horrible and I understand, but that doesn't change the fact that breaking promises, even small ones is hurtful.
I now understand why my kids get upset when I break those small promises. Each time it's like a small pin prick to the heart. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I can promise that I'll think harder before the next time. And if I do have to break a promise I'll definitely be more sympathetic to their feelings.

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